Tucson, Thursday, January 25, 1934 --

The arrest of John Dillinger.

"Hey, you! You're not going anywhere!" the Captain calls out as you turn to leave. "I can't let you out of here until we get Dillinger himeself."

"But, I've done nothing wrong!"

"Sorry, but I've got three officers waiting for Dillinger up on North Second Avenue, and I can't risk letting you out of here until they're back. So either sit down at that desk, or we'll handcuff you to it. Your choice, Mister."

"Well, maybe I'll get to see them bring him in," you think to yourself. "At least that;ll be something. Besides, the Dine and Dance will still be going on strong when I get out of here, and won't that be something to tell the girls."

After a couple of hours, two officers walk in with a man between them. "Maybe this is him." You think. The desk seargent looks up at the handcuffed suspect.

"Name?" he asks.

"Frank Sullivan."

You're head drops. "Great! I'll be here to midnight at this rate." When you look up, he's being taken away for fingerprinting.

Brought back, the attendant officer says, "We got 'em. It's none other than Dillinger. The fingerprints prove it; they match to a T."

"So you small-time cops got me? So what? I'll get out," Dillinger sneered as he was led away ....

Thanks to overLIB for the popups.

Copyright © 2003. S. Halversen.
All Rights Reserved.