
What's New and Recent

Welcome to Halversen.com! Just like The Local Couple's Guide to Tucson, these sites promises to be: ad free, pop-up free, and just plain free. So look around, see what you can find out.
The Local Couple's Guide to Tucson Traveling to Tucson? Or just looking for something new to do in The Old Pueblo? Then check out The Local Couple's Guide to Tucson. With recommendations on: restaurants, places to shop, great things to do in Tucson, and even places to avoid, this site provides the Local Couple's opinions about what they like best about Tucson.
Note: IE 5.5, IE 6.0, and Netscape 4.x all have some problems displaying this site properly, since none is CSS (a 1997 standard) compliant.
Tucson, Then and Now In poking around the Library of Congress web site, 1/2 of the Local Couple came across old (well, 1980s vintage, mainly) photos of one of the most historically interesting parts of downtown Tucson, the Barrio. Armed with old photos and a camera, the Local Couple set out to record the changes that had taken place. Be forewarned, it's 60 or so then-and-now type photos, so you might just want to check out a few a day.
Tom Mix! A small site dedicated to Tom Mix, who as some of you might know, was the premiere Oater actor in the silent film days. Well, not really about him, per se, but about his death that occurred about fifty miles north of Tucson, and the monument that marks the spot. Here you can find out the truth about his death. Was he really done in by a high-speed suitcase?
FYI, this has been completely redone, including new scans.
John Dillinger The only person to have been declared "Public Enemy Number One," captured right here in Tucson, January 25, 1934. Make sure to get the scoop on how Tucson's finest took down Dillinger and his mob.
Read All About It! As it happens, we write a small monthly newsletter which includes a book review column. Never wanting to waste good material, it is going online. Check it out, it just might have your next great read! Updated near the first of each month.
Tucspn's Public Art Finally Here! A site dedicated to the funky outdoor art works in Tucson. We are currently accessioning pieces for this virtual museum of publicly accessible art. A new piece every Sunday, or thereabouts.
Feel free to send your suggestion to for inclusion. Just remember to include the location and any information you have about the piece. Also, they must be free to all. As always, your e-mail address will only be used to to thank you, or if we have questions about your suggestion. That's guaranteed.
Scratchin' It Want to make your food from scratch? Me too. Scratchin' It provides you with the best recipes and shows you the techniques for making nearly everything from scratch. Eventually, you'll find recipes for staples like pasta, cheeses, buttermilk, sourcream, and the knowledge to put them all together to make one heck of a meal.

Thanks to overLIB for the popups.
Copyright © 2004, S. Halversen. All Rights Reserved.